Large fish occupy a very important economic role with a major segment of the commercial fishing industry dedicated to catching them. On a per fish basis large fish also have a much higher value than small or medium-sized fish and thus represent a much more significant investment. It is crucial to properly cool and store them after catching so that they can later be sold at full value and safely consumed. Let’s take a look at some common large fish, special considerations when cooling and storing large fish, and best methods and practices.

Types of Large Fish and Their Role

The term “large fish” is fairly subjective in that it might mean different things to different fishermen and there may not be a clear cutoff between large and medium-sized varieties. However, for the most part the many species of tuna and marlin are considered to be large fish, along with other sizable fish such as mahi mahi, halibut, and cod to name just a few.

Large fish are very popular in part because large fillets of meat can be harvested from them and make ideal steaks. Smaller pieces of meat may also be used for a variety of dishes and even fish byproducts such as oil may generate value. As such large fish are important to the economy of coastal towns all over the world.

Special Considerations for Cooling Large Fish

To understand how best to cool large fish it is necessary to understand the ways that large fish vary from their small or medium counterparts. First, large fish have very thick bodies and their meat is often beneath layers of insulating fat. That increased thickness and insulation results in much slower cooling times than are seen with small or medium sized fish. Thus it is important for fishermen to act quickly and efficiently to begin the cooling process immediately after the fish are caught.

While the thickness and insulation are a drawback for rapid cooling, the preservation of large fish does have a significant advantage over the preservation of smaller species: surface area. Relative to their weight, large fish have a much smaller surface area than littler fish. This is easy to understand when one considers that for small fish nearly all of their meat is right beneath the surface; whereas for large fish much of the meat is deeper and further away from the skin surface. The reason that this is so significant is because surface areas are the most vulnerable to spoilage, thus giving the large fish an edge in preservation.

Another advantage for large fish cooling is that just as their larger, thicker nature slows down the cooling process it also slows down the rewarming process. Thus large fish hold onto low temperatures for longer once they reach suitable levels. On the downside, however, is the fact that because large fish are so big there is also more of a risk of a temperature gradient existing with some parts of the fish cooler or warmer than others. By contrast small fish typically cool uniformly through and through.

Preparing the Large Fish for Cooling and Storage

The considerations mentioned above mean that it is much more difficult to adequately cool large fish by merely placing ice against their outer surface. Instead it is recommended that prior to placing them in the hull and icing them, the large fish first be gutted. This of course removes undesirable mass that does not need to be cooled, but much more significantly it creates another major access point for the ice or chilled seawater. Once the fish have been gutted their bellies can be directly filled with ice, thus providing cooling from both their internal and external surfaces.

Cooling with Flake Ice and Chilled Seawater

Research data from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) shows that only two types of commonly used cooling methods are effective enough to rapidly cool large fish within the time window needed for safe preservation: chilled seawater (CSW) and flake ice. As such these two methods should be used on commercial vessels.

SEMCO/SEMCOLD LLC understands the vital role large fish play in the economic lives of our fishing clients. We are committed to providing top quality, dependable cooling and storage systems that are great for use with large fish. All of our systems are custom designed to best fit the needs of the particular client. Let us help you keep your large fish cool and fresh.

If you often work with concrete you probably already understand the importance of having a reliable concrete cooling system in place. Otherwise, the high temperatures caused by the exothermic chemical reaction during the production of concrete can cause the final product to be less durable, more susceptible to cracking, non-uniform, and not as strong. However, there are many different options available for concrete cooling and you may be unsure exactly what you need.

One such component of some concrete cooling systems is a post-pour cooling system. In order to understand if you need this type of cooling, you first have to know what post-pour cooling is and then you can ascertain if you need it or not.

What is Post-Pour Cooling?

Post-pour cooling is a system that cools concrete after it has been poured. This type of system is generally used with extremely high volumes of concrete such as with big dams, large foundations, and some concrete highways. The system uses containerized water chillers and a piping system to cool concrete from the inside.

Pipes are laid in the area where the concrete is going to be poured. After the concrete is poured, the pipes are inside. Water is released into the pipes from the containerized water chillers. The water normally begins at about 40°F and ends at about 50°F.

The chillers that are used are similar to chillers used to cool the mixing water. However, these containers are a bit more mobile. This mobility allows you to make sure that you get water to every part of the concrete. As the project progresses, you can move the water to the newer parts.

Why is Post-Pour Cooling Generally Not Needed?

There are a few reasons why post-pour cooling is generally not used:

  • High Start-up Cost – The initial investment for post-pour cooling is quite high. This tends to keep people from using it unless it is absolutely necessary.
  • High Operational Cost – Since water is continuously run through the pipes until the massive amounts of concrete are completely cooled, the operational costs is also quite high.
  • Delicate Process – One of the biggest reasons why post-pour cooling is generally not used is that the process is quite delicate. There are a number of factors—pipe size, spacing between pipes and temperature of water. If each of these factors is not just right, your concrete is more susceptible to cracking.

The bottom line, however, is that post-pour cooling is generally not used because it’s not necessary. For most concrete applications other, standard methods of concrete cooling, will be sufficient to properly cool the product. However, when more intensive cooling is needed, post-pour cooling is a great option.

SEMCO/SEMCOLD LLC Can Customize Your Concrete Cooling System

Whether you need post-pour cooling or not, SEMCO/SEMCOLD LLC can customize your concrete cooling system. We realize that not every business is the same, so not every business needs the same cooling system. When you work with SEMCO/SEMCOLD LLC you get the option to purchase exactly what you need. We strive to provide you with the best machinery, products, and service possible for your individual needs. If you believe you need a post-pour concrete cooling system, or any type of concrete cooling system, contact us and let us help you get the system that is right for your company.

Bananas are a popular dessert fruit and cooking starch all over the world. However, they are typically grown in tropic and subtropic regions and must thus be shipped to consumers in cooler climates. This makes proper storage and cooling a major consideration since the process often requires the fruit to spend long times in cargo containers. Let’s take a look at some facts about bananas and their varieties, the difference between bananas and plantains, uses for bananas, and factors that affect optimal banana cooling and storage.

Banana Facts, Varieties, and Terminology

All bananas and plantains belong to the scientific genus Musa and most modern seedless bananas are cultivars of the species Musa acuminata or the species Musa balbisiana. Botanically bananas are considered a berry and while many people think of banana plants as being trees due to their large size, they are in fact herbaceous plants. Bananas have no true trunk or stem, but rather have psuedostems that consist of tightly packed leaves. Banana plants range in height from about 10 feet tall to about 23 feet tall, with most cultivars averaging around 16 feet tall. They are perennials which die off every year, but leave behind offshoots capable of propagating the species. Different varieties may have yellow, green, brown, red, or purple rinds.

In the Europe, the United States, and the rest of the Americas the term “banana” is commonly used for the dessert variety that is eaten raw, while the term “plantain” is commonly used for the starchier variety that is used for cooking. However, many more varieties of bananas exist in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands and as such there is more overlap between the two and native languages don’t distinguish between them.

The term banana is believed to have originated from the Wolof language of west Africa which uses the word “banaana.” From there it entered English via Spanish or Portuguese.

The Many Uses for Bananas

Bananas are commonly eaten as dessert fruit or blended into smoothies, juices, and ice cream as flavoring. They may also be dried and eaten in foods like granola or used to create banana bread. They are often used in cooking where they represent a significant source of starch for many cultures and cuisines. They may be thinly sliced and fried or baked into banana chips or even fermented into banana beer.

In addition to their use as food, banana leaves are sometimes harvested to make textiles, paper, and other household fabric uses like table cloths. Banana fibers are even used for making Japanese kimonos. Finally, they are also appreciated as a decorative plant.

General Information About Cooling and Storing Bananas

Bananas that ripen on the tree only have a shelf life of about 7–10 days. However, this is generally considered too short a shelf life to be viable for mass market exportation. As such bananas are instead picked green, kept from ripening by careful storage methods, and artificially ripened once they reach their destination.

Temperature – Bananas are typically stored at about 56°F-58°F for long-term storage and transport. Once they are ready for ripening they are warmed slightly to about 59°F-68°F. Bananas should not be subjected to temperatures below 55°F because they are very susceptible to chill damage with green fruit actually more vulnerable than ripe fruit.

Relative Humidity – Optimum relative humidity is about 90%-95%.

Handling – Bananas should be very carefully handled. Dropping them, scuffing them, or bruising them will damage the fruit, could contribute to water loss, and may also cause premature decay.

Shelf Life – The shelf life of bananas will vary significantly based on harvest conditions and storage conditions. Tree ripened fruit only lasts about 7-10 days while fruit picked green and cooled and stored correctly typically lasts about 3-4 weeks. Bananas that undergo controlled atmospheric conditions may even last up to 40 days, or almost 6 weeks.

Controlled Storage Conditions for Bananas

Ethylene is the primary banana ripening agent and plays an extremely important role in commercial processes. Green bananas are often picked, placed and stored in polyethylene bags with carbon dioxide levels raised to about 5% and oxygen levels lowered to about 2%. They are also often stored with potassium permanganate. When ethylene is released by the bananas during storage, it is absorbed by the potassium permanganate thereby preventing ripening.

Once the bananas reach their intended market they are artificially ripened by exposing them to ethylene for about 24-48 hours. The rind of ripe yellow bananas will rapidly develop black spots and brown. However, the fruit inside remains unaffected and suitable for consumption for longer. Fruit that are still partially green when purchased may be ripened more rapidly in-home by placing them in paper bags overnight with high-ethylene producers like apples or tomatoes. SEMCO/SEMCOLD LLC designs high quality produce cooling and storage systems that will help keep bananas fresh and delicious.

The curing and hardening of concrete is a chemical reaction that occurs via hydration as the cement mix forms strong bonds with water. This chemical reaction is an exothermic reaction, meaning that it gives off heat as a byproduct. For large-pour concrete projects this can result in serious problems as the concrete expands, develops a temperature gradient, or experiences reduced tensile strength and cracking. To overcome this problem concrete, particularly for large projects, must typically undergo a concrete cooling process.

One effective method of concrete cooling is aggregate cooling. Let’s take a look at what aggregate cooling is, how it works, and whether or not it is always necessary for concrete cooling systems.

What Is Aggregate Cooling?

To understand what aggregate cooling is, it is first necessary to understand what aggregates are. The term “aggregates” refers to the inert granular materials that are present in the mix. These typically consist of sand, gravel, or crushed stone. When the aggregates are combined with the cement mix and water together these ingredients combine into concrete. Thus aggregate cooling refers to the cooling of these inert aggregate materials. By cooling these materials prior to the mixing process, the temperature rise that occurs due to hydration during the mixing can be partially offset, thereby reducing or eliminating the potential problems discussed above.

How Are Aggregates Cooled?

There are two broad methods of cooling aggregates: cooling by water and cooling by air.

Cooling by Water – Cooling by water involves the use of chilled water to cool the aggregate materials. This is most often accomplished via the flooded silo method or by wet belt applications. In the flooded silo method the silo in which the aggregates are stored is literally flooded with chilled water, thereby cooling the aggregates. However, this necessitates water removal which, depending on the particular setup, system, and resources available might be burdensome. Thus, another alternative is the wet belt method which cools the aggregates with chilled water as they travel along a conveyor belt, thus avoiding full silo flooding and minimizing excess water.

Cooling by Air
– Cooling by air offers the advantage of removing the need for a dewatering system. In air cooling a series of air nozzles are installed in the silo where the aggregates are stored and a defined air stream is established. The aggregates are then moistened and the cold air is blown past them, cooling them with evaporative cooling and removing the moisture in the process.

What Other Concrete Cooling Options Exist?

Aggregate cooling is only one of several broad concrete cooling approaches which include:

  • Aggregate Cooling – As discussed above.
  • Drum or Agitator Cooling – Cooling occurs in the agitator drum or mixing truck during the mixing process itself.
  • Water Cooling – The water used for hydration is cooled separately prior to mixing.
  • Post Cooling – Cooling occurs after the concrete has already been mixed and poured.

Is Aggregate Cooling Necessary?

So is aggregate cooling necessary? The answer is it depends. It depends on the size and requirements of the pouring project and the efficacy of the other cooling approaches used. Often for small- or mid-size pour projects aggregate cooling is not necessary. Ultimately some companies opt to avoid or minimize aggregate cooling by instead focusing on other concrete cooling methods as discussed briefly in the previous section.

SEMCO/SEMCOLD LLC Provides Dependable Concrete Cooling Systems

SEMCO/SEMCOLD LLC provides dependable, industry-leading concrete cooling systems that may or may not incorporate aggregate cooling depending on the particular client’s and project’s needs. We are committed to helping our clients get the system that best fits their requirements and will discuss their aggregate cooling and other concrete cooling options to ensure the best results. Our clients can count on us for outstanding concrete cooling systems.

The world relies on agriculture to provide life-sustaining, nutritious, and delicious produce. However, while most people intuitively understand the importance of growing an ample supply of fresh fruits and vegetables, many people don’t understand or discount the importance of proper post-harvest cooling, storage, and transport.

Even locally grown produce will rapidly lose quality and decay if it is not successfully cooled and stored after harvest. Meanwhile consumption of more exotic foods that only grow in particular regions of the world would be completely untenable without good storage and cooling. Good storage and cooling is about much more than simply tossing the produce in a cooler or using a refrigerated truck to ship them – though these methods are often important and effective too; good post-harvest cooling requires careful judgement and the use of sophisticated methods to select the best approach for any given type of food. Let’s take a look at the most common post-harvest cooling methods.

Room Cooling

Room cooling is one of the most popular, widely understood cooling methods and it is likely what people imagine when they think of industrial produce cooling. With this method the produce to be cooled is simply placed in a refrigerated room such as a cooler and allowed to naturally acclimate to ambient temperatures. However, modern coolers are carefully designed to closely regulate temperatures, airflow, humidity and often a host of other environmental factors that give the produce their best chance at maximum preservation and shelf life. Room cooling is most effective for produce that does not need to rapidly reach its minimum cooling temperature or which has already been pre-cooled using another method. Room cooling is commonly used for crops such as potatoes, onions, and citrus.

Forced-Air Cooling

Forced-air cooling is a type of modified and expanded room cooling method. As with room cooling the produce is placed in a refrigerated room or cooler. However, forced-air cooling adds one or more fans that are designed to circulate – or force – cool air throughout the produce. This is important because it results in a much more rapid cooling than room cooling alone could accomplish, thus making it effective for produce that requires lower temperatures sooner after harvest to maintain peak quality.

An important feature of forced-air cooling is that the fans pull air through the produce rather than pushing it past them, which helps minimize associated dehydration. Nevertheless, forced-air cooling often requires close monitoring and a humidifying system to prevent dehydration. Good airflow is essential for forced-air cooling and thus the produce must not be too closely packed together. Forced-air cooling is commonly used for crops such as berries, tomatoes, bell peppers, and many more.


Hydrocooling is a type of pre-cooling method that involves rapidly submerging the produce in near freezing water. Hydrocooling is considered a “pre-cooling” method because with hydrocooling the goal isn’t to lower the produce to its final cooling temperature; the goal is to quickly remove field heat and prepare the produce for additional cooling with another method such as forced-air cooling or room cooling.

Hydrocooling is also effective to help the produce retain moisture and stay hydrated. It is extremely effective for pre-cooling, but due to the high cooling load, especially to achieve cooling at lower temperatures, it is not appropriate for total cooling. Hydrocooling is often used with berries, corn, broccoli, cauliflower, and many more.

Packing Ice

Packing ice involves physically cooling the produce by directly applying ice to it. This is an effective method of removing field heat as well as providing short-term cooling for transport or temporary display. The melting ice also hydrates the produce with is often very beneficial. Packing ice also has the advantage of being quick, easy, and simple.

However, packing ice is not appropriate for all types of produce. Some delicate produce may be physically damaged by ice or could suffer from over-hydration. Packing ice is also not efficient for longer-term cooling and storage. Packing ice is often used for spinach, green onions, leeks, Brussels sprouts, and others.

Vacuum Cooling

Vacuum cooling is a cooling method that utilizes low pressure to cool the produce through evaporative cooling. As the pressure is lowered the water evaporates thereby cooling the produce. Vacuum cooling is one of the most rapid and uniform methods of cooling as long as the produce being cooled readily releases water. It is suitable for most types of leafy greens, but not suitable for produce that has a water barrier.

Hydrovac Cooling

Hydrovac cooling is a combination of vacuum cooling and hydrocooling. Just prior to the “flash point” when the water evaporates from the produce additional cold water is added. This helps prevent dehydration and a loss of water weight. However, it is one of the most expensive methods of cooling and requires a sophisticated setup.

Selecting the best cooling method for a given type of produce is the key to maximizing the food’s quality, taste, freshness, and shelf life. Shelf life and quality retention over time naturally vary among different types of produce, but using the most effective post harvest method provides a major advantage. SEMCO/SEMCOLD LLC designs and supplies high quality, dependable industrial cooling and storage solutions that are suitable for a full range of different types of produce.

Ice is a resource that is used more than many people realize. In addition to any ice that a homeowner uses around his or her house, ice is necessary in the transportation and storage of all kinds of food. Where does it all come from? It depends on the company, but with all the different kinds of ice that are available, it’s safe to say that most ice comes from a machine that received a package from a bulk ice company. Industrial-sized machines designed to distribute huge amounts of ice quickly are designed slightly different than the ice machine you’re likely to run into at the grocery store or gas station. Many of these industrial machines have a part not always found on smaller machines: an ice rake. It might not seem like much at first glance, but rakes are a crucial and beneficial part to creating and maintaining sanitary and affordable ice for all kinds of uses.

What Are Ice Rakes?

Ice rakes are often found in bulk ice storage systems. Although there may be slightly different types depending on the bin being used, most are similar in appearance and function. The rakes are spaced between motorized components to move endlessly over the length of a bin, or at least until the bin registers as full. Even when described in detail, many people envision these rakes as being fairly small. However, the bin itself is usually the size of an entire room, and the rake is designed to span the length of the bin, and often the width, as well.

How They Are Used

Large ice bins and rakes are usually reserved for use by the packaged ice industry, operations involving large food service, or for poultry and seafood. Those businesses that need the ability to quickly package and ship ice to customers benefit most from a bin and rake that can produce tens to hundreds of tons of ice quickly. The bin itself is used for the storage of the ice until it needs to be packaged. The ice rake helps to distribute the ice evenly so the bin does not become uneven. In addition to assisting in the filling of a bin, this helps to distribute ice out for easier packaging. Many systems are designed to expose only a certain amount of ice at a time so that bins do not become overloaded or overflow once the doors are opened. Best of all, rakes automate the packaging process, which allows the ice to be packaged much quicker than if it were all completed by hand. This saves time and money, leading to a more affordable product for the end-user.

Benefits to Ice Rakes

There are many different kinds of ice machines, so what exactly are the advantages of using a machine with an ice rake? First of all, a rake automates the ice delivery process so that it can transported directly to wherever it needs to go. The continuous design means that it will work for as long as a business needs it to work, or until the bin becomes full.

A second benefit to these rakes—and probably the most important—has to do with sanitation. Each part is carefully designed to prevent the buildup of mold and other problems associated with ice storage. Because it also automates the packaging and transport of ice, there is no need for human hands to touch the ice until it is delivered to the point of use. This basically keeps the ice pure and clean until it needs to be used.

A third benefit to ice rakes is their durability and dependability. Most rakes are made out of high-quality parts, self-leveling abilities, and sensors. From galvanized components to heavy-duty chains, these rakes are designed to move ice for as long as you need to and not cause hang-ups. Many rakes will even automatically shut off once they sense that a bin is full.

Why Are They so Important?

What is so crucial about ice rakes? Do they even matter? If you take the rakes away, you slow the ice packaging and distribution process down considerably. There are many different businesses that depend on a daily import of ice in order to keep their goods fresh for their customers. Ice rake and bin systems are often responsible for the storage and preparation of up to 400 tons of ice. What happens when 400 tons of ice need to be distributed by human hands instead of an automated machine? The ice does not get packaged as quickly, which ends up taking more time and, ultimately, more money. This then translates to a higher price the end-user must pay for the product. If that end-user is a business, it also means that the business must now charge their customers extra for their products because their overhead costs are higher.

Ice rakes keep ice moving quickly for efficient packaging and delivery to customers or the point of use. This also helps to limit the number of hands that are coming in contact with the ice before it is used, which assists in keeping it sanitary.

Ultimately, ice rakes are an essential component of the bulk ice industry. It keeps the ice moving for easy packaging and delivery directly to the point of use, in many cases. When you are moving hundreds of tons of ice every day, it’s important to move it efficiently and in a manner that keeps the ice clean. After all, much of that ice is likely to come in contact with food that people will be eating. Ice rakes and bins basically save the ice industry time and money, which translates to savings to the end-user. Rakes are one of the most important pieces of bulk ice production that most people don’t often think about.

The proper cooling and storage of fish is crucial to prevent spoilage and the economic loss associated with wasted product. This means that commercial fishermen must carefully plan their fishing trips and consider the best cooling and storage methods for the particular type of fish that they will be catching. In past articles looked at factors that affect the cooling and storage of small fish as well as those same factors for large fish. In today’s article let’s turn our attention to cooling and storage methods for medium-size fish.

The Many Different Types of Medium-Size Fish

The term “medium-size fish” is imprecise by nature and may mean different things to different people. There is no clear boundary between very small fish and their slightly larger cousins or between large, several-hundred-pound fish and their double, or barely single digit counterparts. However, in general the term “medium-size fish” can be applied to many of the several different species of carp, salmon, mackerel, tilapia, cod, and others. These fish form a crucial economic niche in the communities that fish them. They also form the basis for many of the most popular and enjoyed recipes and dishes throughout the country, both in public restaurants and private homes.

Special Considerations for Medium-Size Fish

In many ways medium-size fish offer the perfect balance of the pros and cons of cooling and storing small- or large-size fish. For example compared to large-size fish they will more readily cool evenly, avoiding temperature gradients and vulnerability to potential spoilage in warmer spots. However, like larger fish they will maintain their temperatures more easily and for longer than small fish, avoiding rapid spoilage. Naturally, however, these traits appear along a spectrum and medium-size fish that tend toward the larger or smaller side will also possess many of the same cooling pros and cons of the truly large or truly small fish. This makes it extremely important for fishermen to be aware of the particular type of fish they are dealing with and to use best cooling methods appropriate for that particular size species.

The Effective Use of Ice and Chilled Seawater

Ice is the preferred cooling media on many commercial fishing vessels. That is because ice is economical and readily available, works to immediately begin cooling the fish, provides added moisture for the fish, and does not introduce any foreign chemical or potentially toxic or contaminating agents.

Another popular alternative is chilled seawater. Chilled seawater can be taken directly from the surrounding water, chilled and processed, and used to preserve freshly caught fish. A major advantage is that the seawater is so readily available, does not require pre-storage, and has a composition already likely to be safe and suitable for the fish.

Finally, both ice and chilled seawater provide very effective, thorough cooling. Chilled seawater and flake or slush ice is able to completely surround the fish and enter its crevices and orifices. Larger ice such as block ice should be crushed prior to use.

Planning Ahead for Best Results

As with most endeavors, particularly commercial ones, the key to success is largely in planning ahead. Commercial fishermen who are about to embark on a fishing trip for medium-size, as well as other size, fish should consider the following:

Factors to Consider

  • Type of fish being caught
  • Type of ice being used
  • Fishing conditions
  • Length of trip
  • Estimated haul
  • Cargo space
  • Equipment and resources needed

The type of fish being caught is key to understanding and estimating its likely weight and cooling considerations. Meanwhile the type of ice that will be used is crucial for making proper arrangements, particularly if block ice will be used and the fishermen will have to plan for crushing. Ice type is also important in determining the amount of ice needed since certain types of ice, for example flake ice, will melt much more rapidly than others such as block ice. Likewise the length of the trip – both in terms of time and geographic distance – is key to determining the amount of ice that will be needed.

Fishing conditions such as the climate and time of year are also crucial for determining the fish’s expected starting temperature and the ease of reaching and maintaining safe temperature levels. The cargo space available is key for determining a suitable ice-to-fish ratio while the equipment and other resources needed for the trip must also be factored in since they will affect how much space is left over for fish or ice and perhaps also budgetary considerations.

SEMCO/SEMCOLD LLC understands that when it comes to cooling systems for medium-size fish no two situations are identical. We custom design our cooling systems to best meet the needs of each of our clients and to ensure that their fish stay cool, safe, and fresh. Please contact us to discuss your particular cooling and storage needs.

It is important for concrete to have proper heating and cooling systems in place. The aggregate mixture is initially heated to combine the different parts and create the concrete itself, and then it is cooled to allow the mixture to set. However, if there is a large difference between the heated and cooler temperatures, the concrete could be subject to premature cracking. To avoid this, companies utilize aggregate cooling processes to cool down the particles before they set. Cooling by air has become a popular option. Take a look at the process and the advantages of aggregate cooling by air to see for yourself why it is an excellent choice.

What is Aggregate Cooling by Air?

The design of the air cooling system is what makes it so effective. It utilizes the silos that are already in place to complete the cooling process. Strong air nozzles are installed at the bottom of the silos, and they provide a constant air stream at the appropriate temperature to provide maximum cooling. The process is so effective at cooling the aggregate materials that moisture must be added to ensure that the concrete does not become too dry. As the cooling air moves through the silo it warms up, creating the needed moisture. Therefore, the cooling system actually performs double duty by both cooling the concrete while also providing needed moisture.

Different Advantages

Being that aggregate cooling by air works with the silos that are already being utilized, that dramatically cuts down on installation costs. Also, with the air system being multi-functional, it substantially decreases the use of extra energy, which in turn lessens production costs. These factors in themselves prove to be enough of a cause to utilize this system. However, along with the cooling system working in conjunction with the equipment that is already in place and it serving double duty, there are a few more advantages of utilizing this system.

  • No excess moisture: Since the cooling air also creates the necessary moisture, no additional moisture sources are needed. This helps to ensure that the concrete does not receive excess moisture, which could slow down or even prevent the solidifying process.
  • Mobile set-up capabilities: The cooling by air system is a mobile system, so it can be transported and applied to different silos, enhancing its usefulness within a company, as well as making transport a hassle-free affair when necessary.
  • Continuous process: The blown air naturally completes all aspects of the cooling process, providing a continuous flow with low maintenance requirements. This aspect makes air cooling energy efficient and an proficient process for companies to implement.
  • Quick installation: Unlike water cooling systems that require the installment of large machinery parts, cooling by air just requires the attachment of the air nozzles to the silos. This allows for quick installation and dismantlement when necessary. It also requires less maintenance than a standalone cooling system.


The aggregate cooling by air system has very strong characteristics. As such, it is a popular choice for cooling concrete. The use of air is not only energy efficient but is environmentally safe, making it a sustainable choice for long term use. It also lowers operating costs and limits the necessary equipment that companies must invest in and maintain. Concrete manufactures large and small can greatly benefit from these factors. Those extra funds can be reallocated to increase production, which in turn would increase profit. Simply stated, air cooling proves to be a wise investment. For these and other reasons, use of this cooling system has grown over the years and shows no signs of slowing down.

It is clear why aggregate cooling by air is a great choice for cooling concrete. It has proven to be a sustainable process with minimal added equipment, easy portability, multi-functional properties and energy efficiency. These and other advantages give those companies that utilize this system greater leverage and help to keep operation costs low. No matter the size of an organization, it can benefit from implementing an aggregate air cooling system for cooling its concrete. The air cooling system’s quick yet resourceful process is not only impressive but helpful to the continuance of the company’s operations. SEMCO/SEMCOLD LLC provides comprehensive concrete cooling solutions including systems that utilize aggregate cooling by air.

Celery is almost synonymous with crisp, fresh food. It is often added to dishes to provide a crunchy texture or it may be used as a fresh, edible garnish for drinks, dips, and other tasty treats. However, while celery is naturally fresh and firm in order to keep it that way proper harvesting, handling, cooling, and storage methods must be carefully observed. Let’s take a closer look at celery and the factors that affect its quality.

General Facts About Celery

The celery species is Apium graveolens var. dulce and it is a member of the apiaceae plant family. Celery is most often associated with its leaf stalks, called petioles, and these stalks have been selectively bred to be long, wide, and solid. However, in addition to the stalks, celery leaves may also be consumed in salads or soups, or dried into herbs. Celery seeds also make a popular seasoning. They are often ground up and combined with salt to form “celery salt;” although, they may also be used for their oil, which is a common and useful ingredient in various pharmaceuticals and perfumes.

Celery forms the foundation of many culinary and cuisine styles including cajun and creole cooking as well as French mirepoix. Celery is also common in a wide range of soups including traditional chicken soup recipes.

Nutritional Facts About Celery

Celery is often falsely purported to be a negative calorie food – that is a food that takes more calories to digest than are yielded from digestion, thus resulting in a net calorie loss. However, this is false. Scientific study indicates that a typical stalk of celery provides about 6 calories and only takes about .5 calories to digest, thus yielding a net calorie gain, not loss, of about 5 and a half calories. However, while celery is not calorie negative, it is nevertheless a useful and common component of many low-calorie diets because it provides low calorie mass that often helps satisfy hunger with few additional calories.

Celery Allergies

Many people are highly allergic to celery and can suffer deadly anaphylactic shock if they consume even trace amounts. The allergy is so severe that the reaction may occur even from food that was merely processed on equipment that was also used with celery. The allergy is more common in Europe than in North America. In fact the European Union requires that all foods that may contain celery or have come into contact with equipment that touched celery be labeled with a warning in much the same way that peanut warnings are required in the US.

General Information About Cooling and Storing Celery

Celery has a long shelf life and maintains its quality quite well when it is properly handled, cooled, and stored. The following are key factors:

Harvest – Celery should be harvested using sharp blades to prevent damage to the stalk. It should also be quickly pre-cooled to remove field temperatures and sanitized to remove bacteria, fungi, and pathogens which may hasten decay.

Temperature – Celery should be stored at a temperature of about 32°F to 36°F and is not prone to chill damage unless temperatures drop below 31.1°F.

Relative Humidity – Celery has a very high water content and thus also needs a very high relative humidity to avoid shriveling and weight loss, which also compromises texture and firmness. A relative humidity of about 98%-100% or full saturation is desired for maximum crispness.

Storage – Celery is usually stored in stalk bunches with all or most of the leaves removed. It may also be sorted and graded based on its quality, color, size, and other factors.

Shelf Life – Under ideal conditions fresh, non-frozen celery may last up to 1-3 months.

Methods of Cooling Celery

The following cooling methods are common and effective for proper celery cooling:

Hydrocooling – Celery is often pre-cooled using the hydrocooling method, which involves removing field heat by rapidly submerging the celery in near-freezing water.

Hydrovac Cooling – Hydrovac cooling involves vacuum cooling – increasing the pressure until water evaporates – while also adding additional chilled water to prevent dehydration and moisture loss.

Forced-air Cooling – Forced-air cooling involves pulling cold air through the celery, thereby forcing circulation and ensuring more rapid cooling than would be possible with room cooling alone.

Proper cooling and storage of celery is key for ensuring maximum taste, quality, and freshness. SEMCO/SEMCOLD LLC designs and installs high quality, dependable produce cooling and storage systems that are ideal for use with celery and other vegetables. Our systems are fully customizable to ensure that every clients gets the exact right system for their particular needs. Please contact us for additional information.

For those in the crabbing industry, cooling and storing live crabs can be a tricky process. Since many businesses have to order the crustaceans and may not be able to cook them right away, proper storage is crucial to keep them alive and fresh. To do this, a proper and specific environment is required. Here are some of the best cooling and storage for crabs to guide you in the process.

Why Do They Have to Be Alive?

When a crab dies, it releases toxins into its body. These toxins permeate the meat and render it unfit for human consumption. It is always best to use the crustaceans immediately, though for many industrial and commercial markets, this is not an option. The best cooling and storage for crabs is to keep them in their proper, controlled and oxygenated environment. This can help extend their lifespan until you are ready to eat or use them.

How to Keep Crabs Alive

If you are unable to use your crab immediately when caught there are a few options to keeping them alive. The first step is to make sure they stay wet and cool. As soon as they caught they need to be put in a cool, shaded environment out of direct sunlight and properly hydrated.

Make Sure There’s Plenty of Oxygen

Make sure the crustaceans are never fully submerged in water for long periods of time. This will cause them to die. Just as humans, they need oxygen to survive which they cannot get if they are completely submerged in a container of water. It is also essential to never put them in a sealed container such as a cooler for long periods of time without adequate air. If you have a holding cage or are near the body of water where they were caught, take advantage of this and keep them stored in those areas. One of the best cooling and storage for crabs is to purchase an electric aerator. This device can help keep the crustaceans oxygenated and pump air into their water where they are stored.

Keep them Stored in a Cool Environment

The crustaceans also need to be stored in an environment at 48 to 58 degrees. Lower temperatures will also reduce the crabs’ metabolic rate and decrease their need for oxygen and their sensitivity to inideal conditions. The key is to maintain a cool, moist and dark environment to keep the craps alive and comfortable. If you are storing them in an industrial cooler, make sure they are not sealed in for long periods of time and that they have access to oxygen. For the best cooling and storage for crabs, a sealed bag of ice can be placed on top or on the bottom of them to keep them cool. However, make sure the drain is open to let the excess water out.

Adjust the Moisture Levels

If you need to store them in a walk-in box or refrigerator, it is crucial to make adjustments to the moisture level and temperature. They must have oxygen and moisture in order to survive. If this is depleted from the refrigerator, several if not all the crustaceans might die. For the best cooling and storage for crabs, it is essential to keep them stored in fresh, cold salt water, preferably taken from the environment where they were originally from to ensure that it has the correct composition of minerals and elements. If this isn’t possible, basic salt water will work in the short term as long as you keep them oxygenated.

Keep Crabs Alive and Fresh for Best Results

Now that you know the tips and tricks for the best cooling and storage for crabs, you can be better prepared for keeping them alive and fresh. The key is to make sure they do not die, as they will release their toxins and the meat will no longer be suitable for consumption. SEMCO/SEMCOLD LLC designs and manufactures high quality, dependable cooling and storage systems that are ideal for use with live crabs.