Maintaining fresh produce at a constant temperature is the key to ensuring it remains at the highest quality possible up to the moment it reaches consumers. When fruits and vegetables are harvested, creating optimum cooling conditions in a timely manner is of the utmost importance.

SEMCO/SEMCOLD LLC creates cooling and storage solutions that are tailored to each customer’s need, so produce that requires quick cooling and high humidity won’t be left in uncertain conditions. The three most important factors in maintaining produce quality are temperature, humidity and shelf life.

A fruit that requires high humidity but near-freezing temperatures for storage will have little chance for bacteria growth, but only if it is rapidly cooled directly after harvest. One of the most important factors in avoiding fruit and vegetable spoilage is reducing the amount of time between its harvest and initial cooling. Many fruits and vegetables bruise and ripen quickly without adequate and immediate cooling. As you consider your cooling needs, take a few moments to review how various cooling methods work and their role in regulating temperature and humidity.

Precooling Produce

Removing field heat from fruits and vegetables is known simply as precooling. It is an umbrella term for the numerous methods listed below for best preserving the current state of produce and avoiding ruin. Many times, a combination of methods are used to most effectively lower the temperature of produce just after harvesting and to then regulate the temperature in the near future.

Hydrocooling Produce

Fruit that must be picked in the afternoon sun can spoil in temperatures that often soar above 80 degrees Fahrenheit. When workers need to remove field heat quickly, one of the most effective methods for immediate results is hydrocooling. Just as you would assume, this term means the fruit or vegetables are submerged in water that hovers just above freezing. This is an extremely effective method for quickly removing field heat, but it is not a cost effective, efficient method for complete cooling and is instead a type of pre-cooling that is typically used in conjunction with other cooling methods.

Room Cooling Produce

In this cooling method, warm produce from the field is placed in a refrigerated room for cooling that lasts, at a minimum, for 24 hours. They can extend to much longer times if correct airflow allowances are not incorporated around boxes or if the produce is incorrectly packaged. Room cooling requires larger refrigeration units than rooms where previously cooled fruits and vegetables are stored.

Controlled Atmosphere Produce

Controlled atmosphere is a cooling and storage method that carefully controls not only temperature and humidity levels but also the levels of different gases in the atmosphere. This method is not preferred for most produce and is only used for citrus and apples in controlled atmospheric storage. CA storage requires that you carefully control a number of factors: oxygen, carbon dioxide, humidity and temperature.

Apples ripen when they take in oxygen and the starches in their flesh turn to sugar, leading them to give off carbon dioxide. When access to oxygen is reduced, the process of ripening slows. The quality of fruit in room cooling is acceptable, but does not always provide the optimal quality seen when rapid cooling is used.

Forced-Air Cooling Produce

Ventilating air through a cooler or refrigerated room is an active way to ensure produce stabilizes in temperature, and works more quickly than the results achieved with a method such as room cooling. In this method, produce is placed around large fans that pull cool air through it.

Vacuum- and Water Spray Vacuum Cooling Produce

These methods are generally used just for crops such as leafy vegetables. They release water vapor quickly, making it possible to cool them in a short time. For these products, even when they’re wrapped in a plastic film, cooling can be completed in about 20 to 30 minutes.

Packaged Icing Produce

This is a less common method in which crushed or flaked ice is used to cool a commodity and then maintain its temperature. The ice maintains high humidity for produce and results in reduced moisture loss. One of the disadvantages of packaged icing is that meltwater can damage nearby produce during mixed shipments. It continues as a traditional form of cooling and is still often used for broccoli.

Packaged ice is one of the numerous products offered by SEMCO/SEMCOLD LLC to meet each customer’s needs with the most appropriate solution. Not every individual farmer needs a large cooling system. If you need to cool a specific crop that is small in quantity, ask if the same results can be achieved with a simpler, more cost-effective method.

Transport Cooling Produce

In some areas, no cooling infrastructure is available to rapidly cool products from the field, such as bananas. For these products, farmers use refrigerated ships and containers that lower temperatures during shipping. You should note that inadequate airflow is found in highway trailers and they should not be used to cool produce. No matter which cooling method you choose, take a moment to contact SEMCO/SEMCOLD LLC about the customized system that works best for moving your produce from farm to table at the highest quality.

Fish and other seafood is highly perishable. If not stored properly immediately after catching fish, it could pose dangers to anyone who consumes it. There are some indicators that you can look for that will tell you if a fish isn’t fresh and hasn’t been cooled properly while stored. A fresh fish will have slightly bulging, clear eyes. If the eyes are sunken in and glossed over, it’s a good indicator that is has begun to spoil. If you are buying whole fish, the skin should be moist and shiny with pink gills. If the skin is dry or developing a slimy, dull, and/or developing a shiny film, it may not be safe for consumption. The smell of the fish will also tell you if the fish is fresh and has been stored properly. Fish have a mild smell, if the smell is strong, you shouldn’t eat it.

Dangers of an Industrial Fishing Company Inadequately Cooling Fish

If industrial and commercial fishing companies aren’t adequately cooling their fish, then they are selling spoiled fish in mass quantities. Not identifying that the fish is spoiled and consuming it will lead to many dangerous health effects. If fish isn’t cooled immediately after catching it, bacteria will begin to grow. The higher the temperature rises on the fish, the faster the bacteria will grow. Salmonella is a bacteria that grows on raw fish. If you are using or fish for sushi or undercooking it, then you are relying on how quickly it was cooled for your health. Being subjected to salmonella will give you food poisoning symptoms such as fever, diarrhea, vomiting and chills within 24 hours of consumption.

Top 5 Fish Cooling Mistakes an Industrial Fishing Company Might Make

  1. Not Planning the Voyage Properly – Planning is important when it comes to how you will handle the fish. If you are out on the water for longer than you have planned to be you could run out of space and ice for the fish, leaving it out to spoil.
  2. Not bringing Enough Ice – Not bringing enough ice is another problem that can lead to spoiled fish. You need to plan on not only cooling all the fish that you will catch, but to replace ice that will melt while you’re out on the water too.
  3. Using the Wrong Type of Ice – Bringing any type of ice out onto the water isn’t good enough. You need to make sure you bring the right type of ice. Bringing large chunks will take up too much space in the coolers and not leave enough space for the fish. Bringing ice that is crushed into pieces that are too small will cause them to melt too quickly. You need medium-sized ice chunks that will last without bulking up the cooler and taking too much space.
  4. Not Having Adequate Insulation in the Cargo Storage Area – Insulation in the storage area is key to keeping the fish fresh. The ice will melt too quickly if the storage isn’t properly insulated. Even if the ice begins to melt, the storage area will stay colder longer with proper insulation.
  5. Failing to Get the Fish Cooled and Covered Quickly Enough – Fish need to be covered and cooled immediately after coming out of the water. It might seem easier to wait until you have a lot of fish, but every minute that they aren’t cooling, they’re growing bacteria.

Avoiding these top 5 fish cooling mistakes is an important first step for helping industrial fishermen prevent spoilage. SEMCO/SEMCOLD LLC customizes cooling and storage systems ideal for use with best practices of fish cooling. We can also advise clients about their fish cooling and storage options to ensure that they get the absolute best system for their needs.

An olive is a small, egg-shaped fruit that grows on an olive tree. Olive trees are popular in warm regions such as the western side of Asia and the Mediterranean Sea. Olives need war, weather and sun throughout the day. Olive trees can grow in just about any type of soil, but they particularly thrive in soil with high limestone content. An olive tree takes about four years to produce its first fruit. There isn’t enough fruit to harvest until they are about 15 years old, which is still young for an olive tree. The average olive tree will leave between 300 and 600 years, although some have lived well over 1,000 years. Green olives and black olives are both extremely common to eat and they have a very different taste. The difference between black and green olives in not the type of tree; the difference is when they are picked. Green olives are unripe, and they turn black when they are fully ripened.

General Information about Cooling and Storing Olives

  • Respiration – Fruits and vegetables respire, which means that they take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide like humans do. Without proper ventilation, fruits and vegetables go bad because the air around them becomes filled with carbon dioxide and they run out of oxygen to take in. Without enough oxygen, they begin to rot. Make sure olives are in ventilated crates.
  • Temperature – When storing olives, you need to make sure that they are at a proper temperature. If they are too warm then they will rot. If the temperature is too cold, then they will be susceptible to chill injury, which involves browning of the skin and a change in the taste. Olives should stored in temperatures between 41 and 50 degrees. Olives can withstand cooler temperatures for short periods of time. The coldest that they should ever be stored is 32 degrees.
  • Relative Humidity – The optimum relative humidity levels for storing olives is about 90-95% This will keep the olives for losing moisture and becoming dry and shriveled.
  • Shelf Life – If olives are stored between 32 and 40 degrees, it can’t be longer than two weeks. After two weeks, the skin browning and pitting will begin. At proper temperatures, fresh olives can be stored for about 6 weeks before they need to be cured.

General Information about Curing Olives

Unlike most fruits, olives do not taste good when eaten right off the tree. They need to be cured or you will be eating a bitter fruit. The way you cure it depends on the type of olive that you are trying to make. Kalamata olives, Greek olives, regular green olives, Spanish olives, and many others are all made just by using a different brine for curing. Some olives are simply water cured, while others are cured in the a pickling brine. First, you slice each olive lengthwise so the brine can penetrate the skin. Next, you soak the olives in water, in a glass or food-grade plastic container for 8 to 10 days, changing the mixture each day. Once they are finished, you have to soak them in a finish brine for a month. The finishing brine consists of pickling salt, cold water, olive oil and red wine vinegar. Other finishing brines are similar; however, some might contain a different kind of vinegar, lemon, garlic and other seasonings to obtain the different taste. Other types, such as Greek olives, will soak in the pickling mixture from the beginning, instead of just cool water for the first 10 days, and then they will sit in the finishing brine for two months.

Methods of Cooling Olives

Forced-Air Cooling – Olives shouldn’t be submerged in water until they are ready to be cured. They also shouldn’t be packed in ice, because olives shouldn’t be stored at below or even near-freezing temperatures. Forced-air cooling is a sufficient way to cool olives. It will allow them to cool quickly without exposing them to pitting and browning skin. With forced-air cooling, they are placed in a refrigerated space surrounded by fans. The fans will push the airflow to the olives and cool them quickly and evenly.

Olives are a delicious fruit that is popular around the world, and SEMCO/SEMCOLD LLC knows how important it is to ensure that they are cooled and stored properly. SEMCO/SEMCOLD LLC will create an effective cooling system that meets your exact specifications, so you can get your olives from the tree to the table.

Concrete cooling is beneficial in various large pour projects where heat is a contributing factor. Concrete is utilized for a number of different things. From buildings, to residents, to monuments and to various trafficked surfaces, concrete is a strong component and a versatile material. In order for concrete to be created and worked into its various shapes and forms, it must endure specific processes. Take a look at how concrete is made and some of the most commonly used cooling systems.

Creating Concrete

Concrete is created through a combination of aggregate materials and a unique paste mixture. The paste mixture, which is composed of portland cement and water, is combined with the aggregate material. The aggregate material may be either course or fine, which contributes to the different cement textures. As all of the materials mix together, the complete mixture undergoes a cooling process called hydration that causes it to harden. During this process, the material heats up and must be cooled down to be utilized. There are a few different cooling techniques that may be used.

Aggregate Cooling

One way to help make sure that the cement will be able to cool down properly is to ensure that it does not get too hot to begin with. To achieve this, there are two distinctive types of aggregate cooling techniques that may be applied.

Air – For this process, air is continuously blown through the aggregate material to keep it cool during the mixing process and afterwards. In order for the air that is circulating to be most effective, the aggregates must be moist, however they cannot be too damp. To achieve this balance, the air also helps to circulate warm air to dry the materials out a bit so that they may still stick together.

Water – Simply stated, cool water is added to the aggregate mixture to harden the concoction. The water must be at a specific temperature to activate the process, and the right temperature may vary dependent upon the amount of aggregate material. If the water is not naturally cold enough, a cooling system may be needed.

The two methods have their specific uses and advantages. Cooling by water tends to be much quicker than cooling by air, but air cooling is an efficient means of cooling in tight spaces.

Post-Pouring Cooling

Where aggregate cooling begins to cool items at the beginning of the process, post-pouring cooling systems cool the elements towards the end. Usually, piping is laid where the concrete will be poured beforehand. After the concrete has been poured in but before it is completely set, cold water is pumped through the pipes from containerized water chillers. The cold water then cools down the cement from the inside out. Usually, the water enters the pipes at 40⁰ and reaches around 50⁰ by the time it completes its cycle through the piping. This process is usually found to be most effective when used to cool larger cement features, such as dams, fountains and some highways. Despite its effectiveness, this process is usually not the most commonly used, consider the various elements that must be in place for it to work properly, which increases the time, labor and cost associate with the project.

Sand Cooling

Basically, sand is cooled and used to help keep the aggregate mixture cool throughout the hydration process. This form of cooling is often utilized in conjunction with another type of cooling method. The most common types of techniques that sand cooling is added to include: water, ice and aggregate cooling. Depending upon the size and extent of the cooling process, sometimes the aforementioned methods cannot achieve proper temperatures by themselves, at which point the sand cooling method is helpful. However, similar to post-pouring cooling, sand cooling does require specific equipment and procedures that impeded upon the process. For instance, sand cooling requires sand silos or rotary cooling drums, which are both expensive expenditures and require additional time to get the sand to the proper temperature to make the process effective. On the other hand, incorporating this process can help to lower the costs of the cooling methods that it is utilized with.

Depending upon your needs and desires, any of these cooling methods could be beneficial for you in creating viable concrete. Contact SEMCO/SEMCOLD LLC to receive customized cooling systems. They provide superior quality work with excellent customer service.

Produce is a key element of a healthy and varied diet. Fruits and vegetable contain vitamins, fiber and antioxidants are essential to continued health and vitality. To preserve peak flavor as well as the full health benefits of produce, proper harvesting, cooling and storing techniques are necessary. With the use of the right equipment, it is easy to keep fruits and vegetables fresh and flavorful. SEMCO/SEMCOLD LLC designs cooling systems to client specifications to provide effective and energy-efficient cooling that is best for the type of produce being cooled and stored.

Importance of Harvesting at the Right Time

The first step to ensuring that your produce will stay fresh and preserve its qualities for as long as possible is to harvest it at the proper time. Harvesting before the proper stage of maturity can result in decreased flavor. On the other hand, if produce is left to mature for too long, it will become fibrous or begin to spoil. Overripe produce can also develop cracks that let in bacteria and accelerate decay.

Using the Proper Harvesting Equipment and Techniques

Using the right equipment and techniques is a significant factor in the quality of the harvested produce. As a general rule, to minimize damage and decay, experts recommend that fruits and vegetables be subject to a minimum of handling, and that harvesting containers should be smooth on the inside so that the produce is not scratched. Bulk bins used for harvesting should either be ventilated or should only be used for a short interval. If your produce will be transported in bulk bins, make sure they are perforated; otherwise, the heat build-up from the produce will accelerate decay. At all times, rough handling of the produce should be avoided as far as possible. In order to reduce cooling needs later on, produced should be harvested during the coolest time of day.


After harvesting, produce is transported to the facility where it is packaged. The specific type of packaging can depend on the size and fragility of a specific fruit or vegetable. Packaging should be optimized for maximum protection from damage and ease of handling. The sturdiness of the packaging can also vary depending on the quantity of produce and the distance and means of future transportation. Materials include cardboard, plastic and wood. Another consideration is the amount of ventilation necessary, particularly for produce with high respiration rates that can generate damaging heat. For this type of produce, some facilities use expanded polystyrene packaging covered with ice.

Cooling Methods

Utilizing proper cooling methods plays a large role in preserving the high quality of your produce. When cooling procedures are performed correctly, they slow the growth of harmful molds and bacteria, slow water loss that causes wilting, reduce the continuous ripening process that leads to over ripeness, and slows the enzymatic process that results in softening. Cooling your produce allows it to stay fresh and tasty for longer.

The proper cooling method will depend both on the type of produce being harvested and on its volume. Agricultural professionals suggest that harvesters consider the following cooling methods:

Packaging Produce with Room Cooling

The simplest method is room cooling, which consists of putting the produce inside a room with refrigeration units cooling the air and insulation to keep the cooled air inside. The advantage of this method is that, depending on the size of the room, it can provide refrigeration to a large volume of produce at one time. Well-designed cooling rooms can also conserve energy. This method is especially effective for produce that has already been pre-cooled. The main disadvantage of this method is that it may not be quick enough for some types of produce. If the produce was not previously cooled and there is still a large amount of field-heat, the produce may not achieve its optimum cooling temperature.

Packaging Produce with Forced-Air Cooling

Forced-air cooling is used to increase the output of a regular cooling room. In addition to the refrigeration units already in the room, forced-air cooling involves installing fans that increase the speed with which the cool air circulates throughout the produce. For maximum energy efficiency, fans may be regulated by a thermostat to automatically turn them off as soon as optimum temperature is reached. This system will also reduce water loss and wilting that can result from over-cooling.

Packaging Produce with Hydrocooling

Hydrocooling is an effective method for produce that can withstand wetting and humidity. To employ this method, chilled water is allowed to flow over the produce. The chief advantage of this method is that it can quickly cool a large volume of produce. On the other hand, this method uses more energy than room cooling and forced-air cooling. It should also not be used on produce that is vulnerable to the microorganisms such as mold and bacteria that can grow in a wet environment.

Packaging Produce with Ice

Ice is also used to cool produce, using either top icing or liquid icing. The top icing method involves placing crushed ice inside the container on top of the produce. For liquid icing, a mix of water and crushed ice is sprayed inside containers through vents. This method is quick way to cool produce without unpacking it. It is especially useful for produce that is packed too densely for forced air to circulate and cool effectively. Once deposited, ice will continue to cool; this property makes this method a good choice for produce with a high respiration rate. Like hydrocooling, this is not an appropriate method for moisture-sensitive produce.

Packaging Produce with Vacuum Cooling

Vacuum cooling is a method that entails placing the produce in a metal cylindrical container and then evacuating the air, which results in the rapid evaporation of water and a lowered temperature. While this method is effective and energy-efficient, the equipment is expensive. As a result, it is used primarily for produce like leafy greens that has a large surface area and is therefore not easily cooled through forced air or hydrocooling.

Packaging Produce with Evaporative Cooling

Evaporative cooling is implemented by misting the produce with water while also directing a stream of dry air at it. This is a good method for produce that needs high humidity and does not need to be very cool. This method will not work to significantly reduce temperatures.

SEMCO/SEMCOLD LLC manufactures and installs cooling systems that can be used to optimize the implementation of the above methods. When deciding which system to choose, consider the type of produce that needs to be cooled, as well as its volume and type of packaging.

With their unique velvety skin and tender, sweet flesh, apricots are a delicate fruit that has been enjoyed for centuries. They are often thought to have originated in Armenia, but there are also claims that apricots originally hail from India or possibly China. Despite the dispute over their country of origin, one thing is certain— apricots are now cherished and appreciated all over the world. In order for apricots to be enjoyed fresh in many areas, they must be cooled and stored using appropriate cooling and storage methods. Read on to discover more facts about apricots as well as the proper cooling and storage methods needed to help freshly deliver this delicious fruit all around the globe.

General Facts About Apricots

The scientific name for apricots, Prunus Armeniaca or “Armenian plum,” shadows the implication that apricots first originated in Armenia. Dried apricots were a valuable commodity in Persian trade routes of ancient times, and the Egyptians, who dry the fruit and then add a sweetener to make Ramadan apricot juice, have used them for centuries. Apricot trees are native to climates with a wide range of temperature variation, as they need cooler winters for dormancy and drier summers for proper fruit maturation.

Apricot trees are well known for producing popcorn-like bouquets of small flowers in the early spring before the leaves and fruit begin to grow. The single seeds or kernels that apricots produce are enclosed within a hard shell called a “stone.” Apricot kernels are often used to flavor liqueurs, cookies, and apricot jams, and if the kernels are a very sweet breed, they can also be used as substitutes for almonds in cooking and baking.

General Information About Cooling and Storing Apricots

Fresh apricots can be enjoyed even in areas where they are not typically produced because of proper harvesting, cooling, and storage of the fruit. Once picked, the quality of apricots cannot be improved, only maintained. Because of this, it is important to follow proper cooling and storage guidelines to guarantee safe delivery of the fruit to consumers as well as ensure maximum return on investment for growers.

Apricots should be gathered during the coolest time of the day, and kept shaded until the crop can be brought to storage facilities. Rapidly cooling the produce as soon as is reasonably possible can help to delay bacteria growth and further ripening of the fruit.

Apricots should be stored away from producers of ethylene, a natural hormone that is released by certain fruits and vegetables as they ripen, including apricots. Storing apricots with other ethylene producers, such as apples, peaches, pears or plums, or with damaged and diseased apricots, will increase the risk of the rest of the apricots ripening too quickly and thus possibly spoil the entire harvest.

Temperature – Apricots must be stored at very cold to freezing temperatures, ideally 32° F, to maintain their freshness.

Relative Humidity – Apricots are stored best at a relative humidity of 90-95%. While such a high humidity may encourage the growth of disease and bacteria, the very cold temperatures that apricots require, along with proper sanitation, can help reduce the chances of bacteria growth.

Shelf Life – Following harvest, apricots have a shelf life of 7-14 days if cooled and stored properly.

Methods of Cooling Apricots

In order to safeguard the freshness of ripe apricots, they must be cooled properly right after harvest. Apricots that are not cooled thoroughly can be easily bruised or the flesh torn, making them less appealing to shoppers. The best methods for cooling apricots are room cooling and hydrocooling.

Room Cooling – Placing the apricots in a room furnished with cooling units can help bring the apricots to an ideal storage temperature. Rooms that are being used specifically for cooling the apricots require larger refrigeration units than rooms that are only being used to store previously cooled fruit.

Hydrocooling – Submerging freshly picked apricots into cold water or pouring cold water directly over the fruit is an effective method of removing heat from the fruit quickly and safely. It can also function to help clean the fruit if a disinfectant is added to the water.

SEMCO/SEMCOLD LLC works hard to help growers protect their harvest by manufacturing and installing quality cooling systems. SEMCO/SEMCOLD LLC systems can be tailored directly to customer specifications, helping to ensure that a high quality crop equals fresh, quality produce on the tables of consumers.

Because the production of concrete can cause temperatures in excess of 200°F it is very important to have a cooling system in place. Concrete cooling systems ensure that the concrete is strong, uniform and less likely to crack. Part of a concrete cooling system is the flake ice delivery and weighing system. In order to fully understand the cooling system, it is necessary to look at why the delivery and weighing systems are important, how they work, and the different accessories available.

Why the Flake Ice Delivery and Weighing System Are Important

You know that the concrete cooling system is important to help your company make high quality concrete. The way you deliver that ice is also very crucial. If the method used to transport the ice from the ice plant to the concrete itself is inefficient then there is a risk that the ice may melt or stick to the transportation unit. A quality flake ice delivery and weighing system ensures that the ice gets where it is needed at the right temperature and in the correct quantity.

How the Flake Ice Delivery and Weighing System Works

Once ice is produced and stored, it must be delivered to where it is needed. That is where the flake ice delivery and weighing system comes in to play. If the ice cannot be successfully delivered without melting, clumping, or sticking then the efficacy of the entire concrete cooling system suffers. When you use a flake ice delivery and weighing system together you have a higher chance of successfully delivering ice.

First is the delivery component. This is commonly called a screw conveyor. You can choose to use a trough or tube screw conveyor. Both choices have slide gates along the length of the delivery system. These gates can be automatic or manual. They help the ice move along the tube without melting, sticking, or clumping, ensuring that it still has maximum cooling potential when it reaches the concrete.

The next part of the delivery system is the weighing. The weighing hopper discharges ice in a predetermined, adjustable and controlled way. Without the weighing aspect the ice would continue to be transported until manually stopped it, leaving the chance of having either too much or too little ice. With the weighing system the screw conveyor delivers ice to the hopper. Once the chosen weight is reached the system goes through a shutdown sequence. This sequence helps clean out the conveyor, so ice does not remain behind to melt.

Accessories Associated with Flake Ice Delivery and Weighing

There are a few accessories you can think about getting with your delivery system. They include:

  • Cyclone Receiver
  • Diverter Valve
  • Heavy Duty Slide Gate

At SEMCO/SEMCOLD LLC you are able to customize your concrete cooling system which means you can get the parts you need, and you don’t have to get the parts you don’t need.

SEMCO/SEMCOLD LLC Delivers Quality Flake Ice Delivery and Weighing Systems

SEMCO/SEMCOLD LLC will help you figure out the best flake ice delivery and weighing systems for your particular concrete cooling system. Our goal is to ensure that all of our clients have the absolute best system for their particular businesses. A major part of that is ensuring that the flake ice delivery and weighing systems are optimal. Please contact us for more information about our concrete cooling systems.

While at first glance it may seem like the amount of ice used to cool something doesn’t need to be precise and can just be approximated, that is not true at all! Using too little ice will result in inadequate cooling that could completely compromise the quality and integrity of the product. Meanwhile, using too much ice will needlessly raise costs, reduce efficiency, and could also potentially result in incorrect cooling. Thus industrial ice scales and weighing equipment are a fundamental part of cooling and freezing system. Let’s take a look at what they are and what factors go into selecting the best one for a given system.

What Are Ice Scales?

Ice scales are weighing equipment that measures the weight of ice. SEMCO/SEMCOLD LLC has a full line of high quality, dependable ice scales and weighing equipment. We have two main series: the Batch Scale (BS) series and the Concrete Batch Scale (CBS) series. Each series has two different sizes:

  • BS-150: The BS-150 weighs up to 150 pounds of ice in its hopper. The delivery rate is approximately 25 tons per hour.
  • BS-300: This scale weighs up to 300 pounds of ice in its hopper. The delivery rate is approximately 45 tons per hour.
  • CBS-800: This scale weighs up to 800 pounds. It operates with a right hand and left hand discharge.
  • CBS-2000: This scale weighs up 2000 pounds. It also operates with a right hand and left hand discharge.

These different scales are used to reliably measure out desired amounts of ice as needed for a particular cooling project.

Why Are Ice Scales Important?

As stated above ice scales and weighing equipment play a crucial role in any cooling and freezing system in which they are found. They are important because they ensure that food products such as produce, fish, and meat, etc. stay at the safe, correct temperature while they are being stored and transported. Meanwhile many other applications such as concrete cooling and other project requiring ice also require relatively precise amounts for best results.

The ice scales work by allowing users to select a predetermined weight. Once the scale reaches that weight it starts a chain reaction. A series of timers start shutting down all related equipment within the system. This allows the system to go into a clean out mode to make sure that there is no ice left in the delivery system.

All of that boils down to one thing. The machines measure out the appropriate amount of ice, and then that ice gets delivered where it is needed. In that way ice scales and weighing equipment form one of the most crucial parts of the entire system.

How to Get the Right Equipment for Your Needs

Now that you know what they are, why they’re important, and how they work, you may be wondering how you can get the machine that is right for your business. SEMCO/SEMCOLD LLC helps clients select industrial ice scale and weighing equipment that best fit their own particular needs. Our systems are fully customizable and can tailored to best reflect the demands of a client’s particular business. Please contact us for more information.

One of the challenges of working with fish and seafood is the need to keep the day’s catch from spoiling before it reaches its destination. Once it has died, a fish deteriorates quickly, diminishing in quality, flavor, and nutritional value. Ice storage is a popular method for keeping fish fresh on their way to market or the table. However, this is not the only way to maintain quality. With the right equipment fish can be kept alive through the duration of their journey, arriving at their destination in prime condition for maximum freshness and flavor. Many vendors keep tanks on the premises so fish can be kept alive and on display until a buyer makes a purchase. In this way consumers can enjoy fish that was caught half way around the world but that has been dead for less than a few hours.

Live shipping also allows tropical varieties to be shipped around the world. It is especially important that these delicate species be transported with the greatest of care in order to assure they arrive at their destinations in good health. SEMCO/SEMCOLD LLC manufactures and installs customized industrial cooling systems that allow commercial fishermen to transport live fish at the optimum temperature to maintain their freshness and vitality. There are several important points to consider when transporting live fish.

Fish Must be Healthy

Fish must be healthy and whole. For the most successful transportation, robust fish should be kept in clean, fresh water where the temperature and oxygen levels can be controlled and the water can be continuously filtered. Sick or damaged fish should be removed to prevent them from contaminating the rest of the catch.

Fish Should be Transported with Reduced Metabolic Rates

Fish should be starved to reduce their metabolic rate and conserve oxygen. Fish with a full digestive system do not transport well. Recently fed fish will require more oxygen, are more sensitive to stress and can contaminate their water with excrement. Starved fish can be transported twice as far as those that are not. Fish should be left for at least a day without food in order to clear the digestive tract. There is one caveat to this advice; fish in the larval stage require food at more frequent intervals. Herbivorous varieties should not go without food for more than 20 hours, while some aquarium species may require feeding in less than 12 hours.

Fish Must be Kept Cold

Fish should be kept in cold water. A low water temperature slows a fish’s metabolism and maintains a relatively high pH level. Fish are much more active at higher temperatures and consume oxygen quickly. They also metabolize more quickly and produce more waste. These factors reduce the availability of oxygen in the water and reduce the time and distance that a fish can tolerate being in transit.

Fish Mustn’t Have Their Systems Shocked

The water should be cooled gradually to avoid shocking the animal’s system, particularly during the summer months when they are accustomed to warmer temperatures. Cold-water fish should be transported at 6–8°C in the summer and 3-5°C in the spring and autumn, while warm-water varieties should be kept at 10-12°C in the summer and 5-6°C in the spring and autumn. In the winter both varieties should be stored at 1-2°C. Fish have different needs depending on the variety.

Different Species Have Different Requirements

Different fish require different densities. For a shorter transport lasting only one to two hours with water at an optimum temperature large varieties can tolerate fish to water ratios of 1:1 to 1:3, but smaller varieties require much more water. Some thrive only at fish to water ratios as low as 1:200. Smaller fish require more oxygen and space per individual. The longer the journey is, the more water per fish is required. Higher water temperatures also decrease the total volume of fish that can be transported in a single trip. In order to transport more fish, it is necessary to keep temperatures low.

As a food commodity, fish is very perishable. However, modern transportation tanks equipped with industrial cooling systems like those manufactured by SEMCO/SEMCOLD LLC can enable fishermen to keep their catch alive and healthy on long transportation routes. Consumers often pay a premium for the freshness of a live fish. Please contact us to discuss the best live fish cooling and storage system for your needs.

In this series of articles, we have looked at different types of aggregate cooling methods for large-pour concrete projects. Concrete cooling is vital to the strength and durability of the concrete. For large projects, you are going to need a comprehensive cooling system, which will be determined by the scope of your project and its application. SEMCO/SEMCOLD LLC understands that you want to get the most out of your project while maintaining your schedule and budget. This article will provide you with a closer look at aggregate cooling by water.

How Aggregate Cooling by Water Works

With larger projects, it is necessary to cool the concrete aggregate on a conveyor belt to get it to the required temperature much more quickly. Basically, aggregate cooling by water is simply putting cool water on the aggregate stockpile. It is a very quick process, depending on the size of the aggregate. If natural water isn’t cold enough to bring the temperature of the aggregate sufficiently low enough, a chilling system can be included.

Although air can do this process, cold water is much quicker and more effective. Installing this system does require specialty equipment, such as a well-functioning dewatering system and flooded cooling belt. In addition, a settling tank is mandatory to the process. However, the investment in this equipment is often minimal compared to other types of cooling processes.

Benefits of Aggregate Cooling by Water

Aggregate cooling by water helps keep your time-frame on schedule. Because it is so reliable, you know that your concrete pouring project will be completed and set when it needs to be. This means that you can keep the subcontractors and other people working on the project on task.

Proper cooling by water is very effective and stable. Your system won’t develop problems down the road when you use aggregate cooling by water. It is less likely to deteriorate over time, which makes the whole process more reliable. Wetting the concrete cools it, so that it doesn’t need as much water to get the required slump. This means less shrinkage as it dries.

Although it does take a great deal of water, the system is actually very small compared to other methods of cooling, which means that you aren’t having to use valuable space on the site to store equipment for your concrete pouring. When you work with an experienced company that has multiple engineers and managers, you get the benefit of their knowledge to keep your system well-designed.

Aggregate cooling by water is cost-effective and budget friendly. This in turns allows you to pass these savings on to the client, which means that they can invest more into the project where it really needs it. You can also work with natural resources, which means if you have available water for cooling, it can be integrated into the system to reduce your overall costs.

Cons of the Aggregate Cooling by Water

Aggregate cooling by water is not appropriate for every site. Although it does tend to be a cost-effective method, some sites may not have sufficient resources. Depending on the project requirements aggregate cooling by water may also not be sufficient to cool the concrete to the right temperature. This method is also not cost-effective for smaller batches. It’s important to look at your particular project and the facilities and resources that you have available to determine if aggregate cooling by water is appropriate for your project.

Find the Right Cooling Method for Your Project at SEMCO/SEMCOLD LLC

SEMCO/SEMCOLD LLC offers precise applications and methods for your project, designed to your specifications, including environmental concerns when applicable to keep the project eco-friendly. We have an extensive background in industrial cooling and freezing that allows us to come up with innovative solutions for your project. Please contact us so that we can come up with the best concrete cooling system for your company, whether that system incorporates aggregate cooling by water or a different process.